The back garden of the house we were staying in at Narooma was relatively secluded from our neighbours on either side. To the rear was a nature reserve with well established eucalyptus and other trees, but also with an understory for smaller birds to seek shelter in. Over the summer the house’s garden was rich with blooming flowers that honeyeaters enjoyed and attracted insects for the insect-eaters to prey on. The garden was alive with life that barely cared if I was there. Hanging out the washing on the back clothes line always took a while because I was constantly distracted. I started carrying my camera with me because I wanted to capture some of this activity. One day a Little Wattlebird was sampling the nectar from the well established Cape Honeysuckle. The bird wood have some nectar from a few flowers in the group before flying to another group, only to return to the original group a little while later. It was the embodiment of being spoilt with riches and wanting to have it all but not knowing where to eat next.
This is the third post in a series of five looking at different aspects of wildlife at Narooma. In this post I am covering the birds and other animals that enriched the house we stayed in. I thoroughly enjoyed my time watching the birds at the flowers in the garden nnd I hope that you enjoy the photographs below.
More of this story is on my blog at
The house we stayed in was a lovely place, ideally located and with a garden that provided a nice private grove for us to relax in with birds all around. It was nice to spend time there and hanging out the washing took longer each day as I discovered more and more animals around me. Just doing that daily chore surrounded by so much life energised me and put me in a happy frame of mind for the rest of the day.
Thanks for reading this post and thanks also for looking at my photos. I hope you come back again to read more about some of the wonderful natural things that the south coast of New South Wales has on offer. All the best until the next post, Living between land and water - Beautiful Narooma Part 4, Summer 2022/23.