Over the last few months I have posted a lot of photographs from Lake Burley Griffin because that body of water has been one of the few places where I could go during lockdown to see wildlife while exercising but also be assured of maintaining social distance. The COVID restrictions also meant that there were less rowers on the lake making the water quieter and easier to approach the birds that I saw. The cormorants, darters, pelicans were still on the lake, still living their lives while we, the people of Canberra, monitored the progress of the pandemic through the daily press conferences. I drew a great deal of solace on the lake, relaxing in the placidness and being captivated by the birds. I also experienced the seasonal relief as Canberra emerged from the cold, short days of winter to the longer, sunny days of spring with the assurance that summer was around the corner. Spring was always a good time in Canberra because the plants and animals returned with more verve ready to star