I am going to start with an apology as the photos below are not the best. The forecast for Sunday, 2 August, was for fog so when I looked out of my front window on that morning and I could barely see down the road, I knew it was not a good day for photographing. I consoled myself that while the fog would make it difficult to photograph I could at least explore Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve to see if it was worth another visit again when the weather was better. Arriving at the reserve I could see the fog was still thick and the light was not penetrating well. I had to crank up my ISO and I knew I would already have grain in the photos because of the water droplets in the fog. The reserve was open country, which was one reason that I wanted to visit, a different type of terrain to where I usually go. I climbed up a hill to see if the fog would break higher up, no luck. I even launched my drone to see if it could break through the fog at its 120 m altitude limit and at least get a photo of the fog layer from above. Again, no luck. Because of the fog I concentrated more on still subjects that I could approach closely, such as the ever interesting dead trees that always have photo-worthy shapes. I did take some photos of birds but they were grainy, so I am not happy with the results. I was going to head out the following weekend but it was raining and overcast so not the best weather again for photography. Despite what I have said, I had an enjoyable visit and really wish to return when the weather is better. I hope you enjoy at least some of the shots below.

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