A sub-adult Silver Gull was biting off more than it could chew, literally. From my kayak I could easily see the brown splotches on the bird’s plumage so I knew that it was not a full adult but I could not make out the white object that it was struggling with. Initially, I thought that it was a bit of tough fish meet that the bird was trying to tear apart. After zooming-in on a photo I realised that the bird was aggressively trying to break apart a toxic Common Toadfish. The poor fish was puffed-out to its maximum in a bid to scare the bird off, but so far that had not dissuaded this deluded bird to desist with its exertions, which would kill the fish and most likely the bird too after the gull consumed the fish’s flesh. This strange contest started within about five minutes of me pushing out into a rising tide on the Tomaga River under threatening, overcast skies with strong winds rippling the water. It was not the best day to be trying to photograph along the river because the ambient