Lake Burley Griffin is an artificial lake located in the middle of Canberra city. For some people in the city it is an unofficial division between the north and south of the city. While the lake was part of the original design of Canberra financial decisions taken at the creation of Canberra meant that the lake was only completed about five decades after the rest of the city. However, now, it is an integral part of the urban life-style of so many Canberrans, whether they play on it, around it or just enjoy a passing glimpse as they commute near it. The lake is a place I enjoy greatly, whether I am in my kayak paddling on it or on my bike cycling around it. It is also a location that attracts a lot of wildlife, especially birds. This post sort of fell together when I realised that I had a number of photographs related to the lake and the waterways connected to it. I therefore decided to do a large post to include all those photos together. The post is an eclectic mix but I hope that y