For one reason and another it has been a while since I have been to Red Hill Nature Reserve, even though it is very near to my house. Recently, I just felt it was time to head back to this wonderful little reserve. That was especially the case when the sun was shining and I had a window of a couple of hours to get out to enjoy the weather. I just grabbed my go to Canon EOS 7D Mark II with the Canon EF100-400mm f4.5-5.6L IS II USM telephoto lens plus the monopod and went up the hill. I am so glad I did. Both times it was mid-morning when the sun was up and the birds were still active but a little quieter than earlier in the morning when I usually go out photographing. Still the light was not too harsh and both times I made this dash I found some great subjects. You can see in the landscape shot below, looking across to the Brindabella Range that there was still a dusting of snow on the peaks around Canberra on the first Saturday. Despite that, the weather was not too cold and it was nice to be outside. I have also included some shots of flowers from our garden. Only the second one is an Australian native but I was enjoying the chance to practice some flower photography with natural light. It was good to be back on Red Hill, even if for a brief visit and I hope you enjoy the photographs below.
Photographing at Red Hill Nature Reserve in July 2020
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