I really did not have much of a plan that slightly foggy Sunday morning in May, even when I woke up, I was not sure where I was heading. However, the weather forecast was for a sunny morning so I had the inspiration to travel along Tidbinbilla Road from Point Hut Road to Tharwa. The reason for this idea was because that road joined the two routes that I would usually take to Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve or Namadgi National Park, but I had never driven along that way. I was not sure what I would find but I thought that I would scout the area out. By looking on Google Maps I did have an idea about some of the drone shots I could take because of the interesting patterns made by streams in the area. I was not sure what animal life I would find and I did not do too well in that regards because most of the area was private property preventing me from getting far from the road. Despite that, I hope that you like the photographs below.