29 July 2018 - Sunday's weather could not seem to decide what it was going to do. I really wanted to go out to take some photographs so I took a chance on how the weather, and therefore lighting, would pan out. The clouds kept covering the sun but every now and then there was enough light to make the trip to Weston Park in Canberra, worthwhile. Initially, as I wandered around the park, it seemed that the birdlife had gone somewhere else for the day. Sure, there were Australian Wood Ducks, Magpies, Magpie-larks, etc; the birds that you see everyday but there did not seem to be any other species of birds. That was until I found this one tree. I am not sure what it was about this tree but it seemed to attract a vast range of birds including Satin Bowerbirds, a Grey Fantail, Crimson Rosellas, etc; all within a space of 20 minutes. That was when the morning turned around, then I started seeing some birdlife. It was a lovely walk and I hope you enjoy the photos below.