I did not see the White-bellied Sea-eagle until if flew from a branch that was low to the water on a sunken tree. It took off from the opposite side of the creek from where I was, gracefully curving across the water, around the sharp bend that was just in front of me. I tried to follow the eagle with my eyes but I lost it behind some trees on the inside of the bend that I was approaching. I already had my camera out because I had just been photographing a Willie Wagtail. Nervously resting the camera on the black spray skirt stretched across the kayak I carefully paddled on to where I estimated the eagle had flown, intently scanning the trees for the impressive bird. Coming around the bend I saw the tell tale shape of an upright eagle perched on a branch that was high in a tree but overhanging the water. With a sense of excitement I took some initial shots while I let the kayak drift onwards.