Sometimes there is an unexpected moment with a wild animal that makes for a special encounter, even with a very common animal. I was fortunate to have such a moment with a female Eastern Grey Kangaroo at Aranda Bushland Nature Reserve one Sunday in October 2021. I was walking through some light scrub heading towards a dam when a kangaroo bounded along from the opposite direction. I stopped when I noticed the movement but the kangaroo was still moving, abruptly halting her progress just five metres from me. She stood up on her hind legs, taken aback a little by this human unexpectedly in front of her. She stared at me, possibly considering what I was doing. While she was looking at me I raised my camera carefully to take some photos. I was too close for my lens to get her whole body so I focused on her head. The sun was almost directly behind my shoulder, nicely lighting her eyes.