The Sunday I was photographing at The Pinnacle Nature Reserve was a really overcast day, which made for moody landscape shots but meant photographing birds was tricky. The overcast day cut down the available light and if the birds were in trees or otherwise shaded, the ambient light was further cut down. The photos below are not the best but hopefully they show some of the behaviour of the really gregarious White-winged Choughs that are common but character-filled birds. I also photographed a group of Crimson Rosellas and a number of other birds. At the end of this post there are also some nighttime macro shots I took at Callum Brae Nature Reserve. I have also included some other macro shots I took around my house of various subjects. In regards to my house, I bought a trail camera with the plan to take it camping where I will leave it near the camp overnight to see what animals come around. To test it, so as to learn how to use it, I installed it in my garden over a few nights. I was really happy with how it worked. While the shots will not win plaudits for their crisp detail, they do allow for identification of what triggered the camera. So this post has a mixture of content and I hope you like all of what you see below.
Bird and Nature Photography at Pinnacle NR, Canberra
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