This is a very shot post because on the Friday before Bigfigtree and I were due to go to Corang Arch the next day I observed what I decided was a very good omen for our trip. I really wanted to post these photographs but I had no story ready that they fitted so I have made the photographs a post in and of themselves. The good omen was that I had just returned from work that Friday afternoon when I saw that there were four, possibly five stunningly beautiful Superb Parrots (Polytelis swainsonii) in a Broad-leaf Privet (Ligustrum lucidum) tree eating the berries. I thought that I saw three males and two females but later I could only count two males. Initially one male was high in a eucalyptus tree in our neighbour’s front yard, while the other parrots were in a tree in our garden. When I approached the tree in our yard most of these bright green birds flew straight to the eucalyptus but at least one male stayed behind to continue eating on what he must have decided were very delicious b